Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Proper Ab exercises

Below are some examples of abdominal exercises that challenge the anterior core musculature in a way that facilitates neutral spine (not the dangerous flexed spine). Furthermore, these exercises are mostly isometric, which better corresponds to the function of the abdominal musculature. The lower level exercises impart low levels of spinal compression despite high levels of muscular activation. The more advanced exercises to impose more of a compressive load, however far below the limits of disc damage that is often produced with spine flexion based exercises such as inclined sit-ups.

I want to emphasize that you need to be qualified to perform these movements. A trained professionals should advise you regarding:

1. Learning motor control to be able to find neutral spine and recruit the muscles to stabilize this position
2. Matching you with the appropriate challenge that corresponds to your load tolerance and strength endurance.

Do not assume that because you have worked out for 10 years or because you are particularly strong in a certain sport or lift that you qualify for advanced abdominal training. This is often not the case, and a common reason for injury.

An assessment with one of the experts at Spectrum Fitness Consulting with tell you exactly where to start and how to progress. Click here for more information.

Enjoy the videos below!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Why Abdominal Exercises Can Cause Back Problems

Think crunches and sit-ups are the way to a healthy back, improved performance, and a slim-mid section? Not so! See the video below and find out why:

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Beverly Fitness Challenge Winner: Jane Ash!

Before: After:

Weight Lost: 7.8 pounds
1 inch lost from arms
1.5 inches lost from waist
2.5 inches lost from hips
1.5 inches lost from thighs

Seven weeks ago I felt really down on myself! I’ve never been that big before and did not like the way I looked. While I knew the basic techniques of exercises already, I wasn’t giving 100% to my workouts.

I wanted to change so I would feel better, look better and have the strength and stamina to play the sports I enjoy like tennis, hiking, biking, cross country skiing, and snow shoeing.

Three weeks into The Challenge I was really on a roll. I had actually eliminated alcohol. I drank green tea instead of coffee. I was drinking a lot of water; packing snacks for work. I doubled up on vegetables and eliminated the rice, pasta, potato side dish that was part of our nightly dinner. I had water with every meal instead of wine or juice and no sugary desert. I was doing pretty well at alternating strength training one day and intervals the next. A quick stop by Spectrum Fitness to evaluate the interval part was really helpful. I thought I was doing that right, but apparently not!

Just about the time I was feeling results, I got laid off from work! I finally had a healthy routine down, was feeling better and actually dropped about 4 lbs so I was really motivated to keep up. Now my routine was thrown all out of whack. You may think it would be easier to stay on track, but truth be told, I am a creature of habit and not having a job to go to everyday really threw me off. With the help of a workout buddy, I did continue with the exercising. Having someone expect you to show up was really helpful, and a lot more fun than exercising alone.

At seven weeks I have lost 7.8 lbs! I can feel more core strength and less pudginess around the middle. I look less chubby in my face. I can hold a plank position for one minute! I am doing the one arm dumbbell row with 20lbs. My thighs are a lot more toned. I’m feeling much better about myself. I feel stronger and healthier and I’m much better at avoiding sugary snacks and dessert. And I don’t even miss them as much as I thought I would.

I actually look forward to meeting with my workout buddy. And it’s great that we can complete and interval workout in such a small amount of time. Staying on a regular workout routine really makes playing tennis and going cross-country skiing a lot more fun. I find the quick bursts of energy I need to get around the tennis court. And the day after cross-country skiing, I wasn’t nearly as sore as usual. It’s great tot having the energy and strength so I can enjoy the sports I love.

I definitely see myself sticking to this routine. But I have to be honest with myself and make sure I continue to challenge myself.

In the future, I see myself continuing to lose weight at a healthy place and becoming even stronger. The food part is challenging, especially around the holidays. Saying on track with everything could have me down 20lbs by next summer and into a size 10, which is the size that I think is MY BEST BODY!

Great story, great results, for a great person! Take a look at the items I bolded - this is where the secrets for success lies. Understanding the scope of the problem, having specific goals and knowing why they are important, identifying key strategies, seeking help and accountability, overcoming major obstacles, and knowing that continuing to challenge yourself is the key for sustained success.

The results? Happier, feeling better, performing better, looking better, a routine that is efficient and works.

Nice work Jane, and we look forward to training with you over the next several weeks!

Now it's Your turn! Click here to get started.

Fitness Challenge First Runner up: Robin Foster

Weight Lost: 8 pounds
Lost 2 dress sizes

After Picture (with before dress pants!):

Seven weeks ago: "Well, I had already determined that I had to do something, or the diabetes and breast cancer that is in my family was going to catch up to me. I didn't want to wait till January 1st and make yet another New Year's Resolution to lose weight. I was eating all the wrong things... No breakfast, or just cereal.....skipping lunch.....dinner with pasta or potatoes....and a couple of glasses of wine....."

Week 3: "By week three I was feeling better, and I was definitely eating better. I'm now eating breakfast every egg, or greek yogurt and fruit, or a smoothie with protein powder and fruit.....I eat lunch of a wrap or a salad, making sure there's protein in it, and dinner is usually fish, chicken or meat with two veggies. I've cut almost all bread and potatoes and pasta out. "

Week 7: "Where am I now? Well, I've lost 8 pounds and I did that during the disastrous "Halloween/Thanksgiving/Christmas" period. I guess they say that the average person gains 5-10 pounds during that time, so losing 8 is pretty good. I got through Christmas, eating some sweets and drinking some wine, but watching what I was doing and getting right back on track the next day. I was continuing to work out, and although I didn't lose anymore, I didn't gain anything back the last two weeks over Christmas, even with the whole family home. Heck, I even came to the gym on Christmas Eve!! "

"For the first time in a long time, I'm not sitting here saying, "well, when January 1st comes along, I'll try to lose weight". I know I'll lose more, because I know how, and it's nice not feeling so desperate. I look forward to going to my annual physical in April and seeing how I've brought down my cholesterol.

"I think the Challenge was a great idea, and it was nice to benefit a good cause in Beverly while motivating people to get moving. And even if I don't win anything.....look how happy I look in the pictures!!

Robin hit on some key points (in bold): Awareness of urgency, not procrastinating. Identifying key problems. Measuring success amongst challenging circumstances. the empowerment of knowing verses the desperation of not knowing what to do. And my favorite happy she looks!

Awesome Robin - you rock!

Fitness Challenge 2nd runner up: Laurie Labrie

Weight Lost: 7lbs

Before Picture (11.08.09)

After Picture (12.20.09)

Before the Fitness Challenge:

Laurie had already lost over 100lbs! However, after having her second baby, eating health and exercising took a back seat, and the weight starting coming back. The Fitness Challenge came about at the right time!

Midway through the Challenge:

"I could believe I was doing exercises that I simply could not do before: Planks, squats, etc I was starting to realize that my diet wasn't great." Laurie started getting rid of unhealthy foods and began to eat more fibrous foods.

After the Fitness Challenge:

"I am grateful for the experience and shocked at both how much I and the group accomplished. My core muscles are in better shape and my lower back/hip pain has subsided. I have more energy going into this Holiday season. I have accomplished more than I ever dreamed possible. Thank you for a wonderful seven weeks, Mike!"

Way to go Laurie!