Friday, September 18, 2009

The solution to healthy children

In my past newsletter, I touched upon how vital it is to address the growing epidemic of the poor health status of children today. This issue is addressed daily in the media, yet solutions seem to be few.

But the reality is that we do know the solution.

A recent study in Germany analyzed over 13,000 children from 3-17 years old who were overweight or obese. Many factors were analyzed to determine the strongest factor that correlated with obesity.

The result was clear: parental weight was the strongest factor that correlated with childhood obesity.

Several other studies have reached the same conclusion. Research has also shown that parental fitness and nutrition behaviors determine a child's attitude about health and fitness. Also, fitness and nutrition behaviors in adolescence strongly correlate with future risks for obesity in adulthood.

So if you are looking for the solution to ensuring your child is healthier now, and in the future, look in the mirror. You have the strongest impact on your child's health.

Schools, vending machines, government policies certainly can be a factor, but they pale in comparison to the impact that we as parents have on our kids' health and fitness.

Making changes in policies can take forever, if they take place at all. But the best solution is one that you can implement now.

If you aren't eating a proper diet, or exercising regularly, then you are hurting more than just your health.

I hate making people feel guilty about not exercising and eating right. that is never my intention. I really understand all the reasons why leading a healthy lifestyle is so hard to do. It is my job to understand these things. Time, knowing what to do, injuries, motivation - these are all major road blocks to implementing a proper health and fitness routine.

My most important job is to remove or navigate around these road blocks so your path to improved health is smooth.

I can show you how to do this, as well as implement strategies that will improve the health of your whole family.

I know about the sleep deprivation that comes at the hands of raising babies. I know about the chaos from having your free time consist of attending to birthday party functions or ballet classes. I know the constraints of fragile bed time and nap routines. I understand the constraints of trying to coordinate day care, work schedules, and quality family time with workout time. And preparing healthy meals, not to mention getting my kids to eat them, sometimes feels like an act of God is needed to pull it off.

But I have had many victories in overcoming these issues, and have coached hundred of clients to do the same. The pay off of optimal health is far worth the effort - it is priceless.

This is what the husband of one of our clients, Celine, said about the impact of her fitness experience on their family:

"My wifes training regimen at Spectrum has brought about some exciting changes for our family. Spectrum's guidance in nutrition has changed her perceptions about good and bad foods and as a result, we are all eating a more healthy, fresh diet including more whole and natural foods and fewer processed foods. She has lost weight consistently since starting her visits and has gotten stronger. She's also noticed an improvement in her energy level and alertness as a result of eating correctly and exercising appropriately. The whole family is benefiting from her experience of rejuvenation!"

If getting healthy has been a struggle for you, and you realize the consequences this has on your family, then I have two simple solutions for you.

One, you can come to our Seminar, this Tuesday, September 22, from 7:30-8:30pm, titled Healthy kids start with healthy parents: how to turn your family's health around: Solutions to instilling optimal health habits for the entire family. Click here for all of the details. Please register soon to reserve your spot.

Two, you can come in for a free consultation. I'll give you an hour of my time, and find out how to best help you with your goals. Click here to schedule your consultation.

Dedicated to your health!

Mike Stare

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